January ends today...
Today 12.6 3.6 at the beach at 12:22,and 9 at 10:43
It wasn't as energize as last Sunday, but of course those were only 5 miles and no beach. Still my pace has improved thanks to this new shoes, they are definitely better for me. On Sunday I can tell I felt the speed for the first time ever.
The run was not that good, like one of those days when it is hard and you can't go enjoying as you wish. I don't know where exactly the problem was.
Today was sunnier than other days so I have to take that on count. It still too much of my energy.
In general I think my legs were some lazy. Felt them some sore from time to time, but they are fine now, which is the most important. My left knee gave me some problems on Sunday. I treat myself using a band and automassage. It helped a lot. Today is the turn for the right knee... As it continues random well I might say is better than it stays without leaving only in one place. The ankle appears to be getting use to it finally.
A 10:43 pace places me definitely improving since my normal pace last weeks for distances around 9 are always higher than 11:30!!
This will be an easy week. My afternoon group cancel three of four sessions this week as there are some events at school, so I will save and use this energy while running. Lucky me!!
I change my photo again, I have to say that I hate to sign on blogs with such a big photo, but I haven't figured out how to make it smaller and still make it look fine, sorry I will keep trying to learn how to do it... Event worst is to put graphics on the side bar, well, for me...grrrrrr.