Sunday, January 29, 2006

Like the first time I've run

Friday after the run was somehow hard. In fact for some moments I couldn't walk... Of course this was just for a few minutes. I put ice and took a pill and I was fine then. On Saturday my right knee was some sore, continue with the self treatment and that made me arise this morning prepared for the next run.
Today I ran 5 miles. I have new shoes again. A great sale on Amazon!! 36 only for an adidas pair!! Definitely I needed them.
As soon as I started at the beginning felt them some hard. They are my first adidas, I've always used nike. While starting to walk felt them some hard. The first mile I discovered a great sensation while going FASTER!
It is the fastest I've ever run. First made 2 miles 10:24 average.
Then settled Garmin's virtual partner, for the second time since I have it. (It didn't worked the first time.)
I don't know if it measures so wrong on the virtual partner, but it said my average on 3 miles was 9:23. I know that I was definitely faster than any other time, wow it felt so good, but is it possible to jump one minute over your normal pace?
Is it because the stronger training? The new shoes? The joy??
Or just another of Garmin's tricks...


Blogger 2P said...

Well done Hilda - it is great when you can see such a big improvement.

10:15 PM  
Blogger Black Knight said...

Forget the Garmin tricks. I think it dipended by the training, the good feeling of the moment, the curiosity for the new shoes and the support of the virtual partner (trick or not!).

4:27 AM  
Blogger Wobbly man said...

Sounds like the new shoes were a bargain but we men know how important colour co-ordination is to you girls. Will they match with the outfits you have or will you need to go shopping again? I hope the time was accurate. That would be an awesome improvement!

6:46 AM  
Blogger jeanne said...

Nice runs! I only hear bad things about garmin; i don't own one but people complain about it all the time.

8:40 AM  
Blogger psbowe said...

I think it's the combination of all your long runs and new shoes that's making you a faster runner!

1:12 PM  
Blogger Cliff said...

Hi Hilda,

To response to your question. My long run is 2 hr and my long bike is 3 hr. The rest of the time are spent on yoga, weight (2 times a week, one hour each), and drills (run and bike). This is not including swimming drills and long swims. So yeah, it slowly adds up to 14 hr. To my surprise, once i get the habit ti is not hard at all. I don't feel I am sacrifice a lot for my training :)

5:03 PM  
Blogger Thomas said...

I wouldn't trust the Garmin. I've heard it does show funny results sometimes. Maybe it's not calibrated?

You did have a good run though. That's the one important thing.

8:09 AM  
Blogger Rae said...

Great job! I think with all your long runs lately you have likely gotten faster. Sometimes my Garmin is way off, but it's usually pretty accurate. Thick clouds/stormy weather can really throw it off.

9:45 AM  

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