After three weeks without a long run, finally today went for one.
Started as early as I could, 5:40 was my best. Set the alarm at 5:00 but couldn't get up until 5:20. It took me 20 minutes to get ready, preparing breakfast for my girls and dressing and well, waking up. Started until 5:40 Another time to improve!
Started as easy as I could, soon I was on the beach, how nice to see the palm trees like this, they seem to be black when the light is behind them. There were many tourist there to see the sunrise, sorry for them, it was cloudy and we saw nothing, but still the landscape was lovely.
As I soon as I put a step on the beach I could see it is a great day to be there to run. It was like the sand was saying, come, run.... Steady, firm and cloudy.Breathing is the problem. Between my for sure low VO2 and and
damped air, well I was sucking. Not so bad to make me feel weak, but the HR was all the time over 165. Another fact to report about this, is that I was eating sport beans and I bet that increased it also. Over the end of the third mile they also made me sick. I didn't even had half of the pack but they are too sweet for me, well I tried them and now know they aren't for me. I'll stick to Gu or Power Gel. I know this wasn't such a long run but still I wanted to try them today. Besides it ended being very helpful. At the end of the third mile I was feeling like I was done. I thought this short runs were going to make me be ready to run long with out problems. Anyway I went on. The last mile I was just crap, but made it.I had to insert some walks, not exactly for feeling tired, but when moving from the beach to the hotel, a phone call to my girls, etc. At least I didn't stop for nothing, I liked that.
The good news is that for most of the time I even forgot I am a spur girl!!!Luis tells me, just forget about it... I am not complaining, just want to report. Total time 1:45. It was a bad end. In my mind was saying, this is not nice at all, how can I continue like this? Am I the person running a marathon in a couple months??
Well I can't win every day. After the run put some ice, took a bath, well the usual, but I still have a smile in my face. After a long run even if it wasn't the best one, there is nothing that could shadow my happiness.
The arch support is here. Look how I have to use it. Under the heel there is a path also to absorb the shock on the spur. I will use them as much as possible, many times I will want to look nice, but doesn't matter in the name of running!
Happy running weekend!!