Best days to run in Bavaro
Tuesday 9 miles walk-run.
What lovely running mornings we are having here. It is a shame people in general don't appreciate them. Well I won't blame them as they are not all the time measuring the humidity and the weather in general to enjoy running, but believe me, suddenly it has had a lovely change. Great running mornings are ahead in our tropical winter! Wish you were here :-)
The long run change from run to half walking. It was not for being tired, first I ran about 2 miles and stopped to start with one of my partners. Walk and sprint for about 45 minutes and then took my camel pack and headed to the beach. It is been a long time since I haven't had a serious run there. The view and weather were awesome, but the sand was ot firm enough to run, I tried from time to time. Couldn't move to the hotel as the day was so beautiful. Ended with 9 miles, total, but stayed on my legs for almost 3 hours. What I've planned was to run along the beach from the opposite side to here, which will be about 8-9 miles. Fortunately I wasn't there as there was nobody available to drive me there, lucky me as the sand was so soft!
Wednesday 3 miles + strength DVD.
Three miles non stop and the avg pace around 10 makes official that after the marathon there is an improvement. Running seems now easier with this weather changes, time to enjoy!
Felt totally energize after doing my strength DVD, I am feeling back on good shape!