Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Best days to run in Bavaro

Tuesday 9 miles walk-run.
What lovely running mornings we are having here. It is a shame people in general don't appreciate them. Well I won't blame them as they are not all the time measuring the humidity and the weather in general to enjoy running, but believe me, suddenly it has had a lovely change. Great running mornings are ahead in our tropical winter! Wish you were here :-)
The long run change from run to half walking. It was not for being tired, first I ran about 2 miles and stopped to start with one of my partners. Walk and sprint for about 45 minutes and then took my camel pack and headed to the beach. It is been a long time since I haven't had a serious run there. The view and weather were awesome, but the sand was ot firm enough to run, I tried from time to time. Couldn't move to the hotel as the day was so beautiful. Ended with 9 miles, total, but stayed on my legs for almost 3 hours. What I've planned was to run along the beach from the opposite side to here, which will be about 8-9 miles. Fortunately I wasn't there as there was nobody available to drive me there, lucky me as the sand was so soft!

Wednesday 3 miles + strength DVD.
Three miles non stop and the avg pace around 10 makes official that after the marathon there is an improvement. Running seems now easier with this weather changes, time to enjoy!
Felt totally energize after doing my strength DVD, I am feeling back on good shape!

Monday, November 06, 2006

On the right path

This is going well and that makes me happy, there is no better sensation than to know that I've programmed myself and I am just doing what I want to do.

Training until today:
Friday 5 miles including 5xHills
Saturday 3 miles + DVD strength training.
Sunday Off It was so weird not to run on Sunday after a long time doing it!
Monday 3 miles including 25 minutes tempo. I was supposed to run 35 as the schedule said but I headed home as it was late and my partners were supposed to be there... But they weren't. I ran a last mile with brief intervals that made me had lots of fun!
Today's weight was 149 pounds. It's been a long time since I haven't seen the 14... I am on the right path!!!
Google earth has updated photos from my area recently and now that my new Garmin is here I just upload this morning's run. Total of this path is 2.42 miles.
Here we can see how the photo was taken exactly on the boundaries of the hotel.
I'm planning a special long run for tomorrow, hopefully I will give you the good report tomorrow!
Thanks for your wishes and comments about my visit to the hospital. Staying with out food wasn't bad, in fact I'll confess that I stayed in bed until 10 and then headed to the hospital. No time for thinking on food. The study was a stomach endoscopy. They practiced it me with out being sedated -I don't know if asking for your cooperation is normal-, they told me they were going to give me a chance to behave instead of sedating me as it lasts just a couple minutes. I didn't like it at all, of course none will, it gives you terrible nausea and feeling that tube crossing my throat well... At least I saved time. The results will be ready in one week.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Do you want it or not?

YES or NO are the only answers to this question. Is what I have to think about to practice my Determination month. At least my problems aren't about running or in______. Better not even mention them.
Is the food. Hilda, repeat with me again: loosing weight will help your running A LOT. At least this are the current problems with the ones I have to be determinate to decide what I want for my improvement which at the same time means happiness. I've said it before. Running and training for a marathon is thousand times easier than to loose weight, -well not exactly- to keep my mouth as closed as it should be. (for me)
The scenery is not easy. I've been taking care of this issue the last two years and sounds like it will be a for ever task. Eating is one of the pleasures of life but leaving it on the side for something higher will have its regards.
I remember those days when being thin meant something completely different. It was about vanity only. In fact as soon as I started training four years ago, to loose weight, I put vanity on the side as I started feeling with energy and healthier than ever. Now when I see thin girls around or on TV I wish I could have a body like that to be a better runner or at least lighter.

Running is going fine by the way.
Wednesday 3 miles + DVD Jillian Michaels. Ran on the treadmill, felt much better not having to stop at all. Well, being indoors is impossible not to end doing a decent workout. I will train on it I wish, about 2 times a week.
Thursday 5 miles. It is definitely that my legs are stronger. It is now my breath and hasn't have improved as wished.

Tomorrow morning I have a couple studies at the hospital to end making clear and sure how my stomach is. When they gave me my appointment I was completely disagree of having to wait until 11 with out eating as they are busy until that time. The doctor gave me this killer look saying, "it is only for one day, nothing will happen". I wanted to be able to at least drink water.
Is not that I thought of not surviving with out eating. Is that I didn't wanted to cancel my morning run. But, ok I will move it for latter. How nice to defend my runs like this! It was just about that, but how could she understand how terrible could something like that be?