Sunday, April 09, 2006

Factors to defeat

As less as I do, as much tired I feel.
I haven't being feeling at 100% capacity while running. What is happening??
I have had better times and don't analyze how this happened...

If I look back, last year I was doing so fine working out three times harder than what I do now. It is not weakness or lack of energy the problem, but not being strong enough. Then, the way to build up strength for me is weight training, which I haven't been doing as seriously as on that time.
I was talking about consistency the other day, but despite I been running all my scheduled days, that doesn't mean I am doing fine. I would love to understand how it is possible -for the rest of the runners I read-, being strong without doing weights.

Workout: jump rope and plyometric jumps, 5 miles, stretching, 45 minutes weight training. Total time: 2 hours.
The alarm sounded at 5:20, woke up 5:35. It worth it so much!! I was able tu run with out sun and enjoyed so much. The sky was clear from 6 so I was not in darkness.
My body felt some hot still, but of course nothing compared under the sun. I could even run a couple 10:30 miles with a 140 HR. This made me feel so good that at the same time I realize that certainly because of poor performance my mind was feeling disappointed and unmotivated. How important is this factor, which I mentioned made me fail also for stretching. It is important to feel improvements.
Bad feelings invaded my mind and that was also leading me to fail.

The stretching class yesterday was fine, nothing out of series but good enough to feel my abs in pain during the night, wooow! Also at the beginning she made me auto massage my feet with a small massage ball, that felt so great that I already ordered one. The other great thing about it, is that the instructor knows a PHYSIOTHERAPIST, so I will make and appointment and see what kind of advantage I can take of him.

I appreciated a lot all the comments about stretching, I am practicing already some of them, I learn and feel sooo inspired thanks to the blogsphere! It is my main tool to feel motivated, thanks a lot guys!!