Friday, December 02, 2005

Answered questions over the 10th mile!!

Sometimes as mentioned before, lately I am wondering why I have to run, why there's such a thing like spending two hours running... and there I was today flying over the 10th mile, smiling in a completely state of joy. Knowing exactly why I was there, why I like it, why I have to. The question this time is why i forget??
This time I felt that it was my spirit who was enjoying this so much.
I have to recognize that this trained body remains under the judgment of a weak mind. Incredible but today, yes, today at the beginning my mind was again hesitating if I was ever strong enough to run at least for 15 minutes.
When I woke up I was feeling so sleepy, I wanted to stay in bed longer but because of the girls I had to at least move to the sofa and from there tell them to wake up... Yes the same person who was running after for two hours.
It seems slowing down on Tuesday and Wednesday worked, and made me save energy to accomplish what I had scheduled before. Next run on Sunday, will be 7 miles.
I like this about running. (There's so much to say about it) How you can recognize and realize about the differences between body, mind and spirit. All of them can be aroused while running.
That's why I don't recommend to try to develop your willpower while starting exercising, but just go and don't listen to your mind. Just go and do it!!!

total 10 miles (about) 2 hours running.


Blogger Jen said...

Woohoo. That's fabulous Hilda. I'm so glad you enjoyed it :-)

3:58 PM  
Blogger CJ said...

I still try not to listen to my mind especially when I wake up in the morning. I just get up, get dressed and out the door before thinking about it. If I start thinking about it I start making excuses about why I don't want to do it!!!!

4:39 AM  

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