Saturday, October 15, 2005

cj has tagged me in the latest fun 'get to know your fellow bloggers' chain game.
Here are the rules:
1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (or the closest one to it)
4. Post the text of your sentence in your blog along with these rules.
5. Tag five other people.

I just have 25 post only so I choose random this:
Thursday september 22.
I saw her face struggling a couple times, it made me remember when I was begining, but I always can tell it was never as hard as it was for me, or maybe is because I always complain a lot??
Today I saw her face stuggling again, but not because she was working out exactly...
I think there is not enough time to re- read our thoughts, and it was interesting to read mine, speccially the first ones... it is funny how you can say things here.

I don't have many friends to tag, dgc has been already tag so I just tag Susan, runnersusan.blogspot


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