Friday, September 30, 2005

second time ten miles...

It was very good. I started earlier, because I didn't trained at the gym, last week I trained biceps and abs before. It took me about 40 minutes which I saved today, I'll train the abs tomorrow. So, the day wasn't cloudy but with some clouds which covered the sun from time to time. All that and that I took each half hour gatorade or power gel, made it very easy. Well in some points I felt tired of course, but it was just for a few moments, I just turned or switch muscles and it was better.
I woke up at 3 am with a throat pain, that made me feel scared of running today. I took some medicine and in the morninig, because I was fine, just ignored the matter. I took already some more.
I don't know if this is about running a little bit more, that my inmune system could be in risk. Anyway, many people is sick around here, even Abril was sick last week.
Taking glucosamine is helping me for shure with joints, they are perfect, and that was not happening last year when I was running even less.
I increased the heart rate, specially because the weather was better, as this I know the rate is increasing by the effort not for the sun. The AHR was 150 and the HHR was just for a cuple minutes 165.
As the KC marathon it appear that the distance was shorter today, for .5 mile, but I ran just the same as last week, ten times around the property. I should buy a better pedometer, do anyone could recomend a good brand??


Blogger Lulu said...

Hola Hilda. Me llamo Lulu. Soy de Sydney, Australia and conozco a CJ.Estoy apprendiendo Espanol pero necesito mas practica!

10 millas.. bein hecho!
Hasta luego


11:52 PM  
Blogger CJ said...

Hilda I'm feeling very guilty about not going to the gym! I also take Glucosamine tablets, just in case. I don't have joint problems - maybe that's why!! Take care and take a day off if you think you might be coming down with a cold.

6:51 AM  
Blogger D said...

Good run. Hopefully you are not coming down with something. Everyone here seems to be getting sick as well. I imagine it has something to do with the weather changes.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site »

8:45 AM  

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