Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Good in 4

With this sun, implossible to run outside, and I don't have enough time in the afternoon. So I went to the trail, it was fine, it's been some time since I haven't run in such a pace rate, it was nice, never going faster than 140 HR. No pian at all even though yesterday I was feeling both heels in pain.
After about an hour, now my heels hurt. But I am not tired... is exciting to think about friday when I will go for 10 miles!! I am planning what to use, to wear, to take, and praying for a cloudy day!!!
One of the things I will not forget is my camara, for shure I won't go running the whole time, this will be more like an adventure!!! I' ask some one to take me a picture... for me.


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